Basic React app using Pure JavaScript

If you haven't switched branch to start yet, please do that because this will include all you need to code for this section.

🌲 branch: git checkout start

Let's begin πŸ’―, In this section you will get to know about how easy it is to include React in your simple website!

πŸ’‘ TLDR: You know some JavaScript & have worked with HTML before

All set to start

  • As you can notice, it includes a src folder & which includes couple of files namely; index.html & app.js
  • it includes the normal html and JavaScript code which we used to do before,
  • That's pretty much it. Now will walk you through what we are intended to acheive here.

❗️NOTE: if you open index.html file, you'll notice certain code is commented and above every comment there will be a comment number. You will have to follow the sequence and uncomment those commented code to acheive the required results. (Will guide you.)


πŸ’‘ TLDR: for more visit this link; CDN Links

Why react and reactDOM differently?

  • Both have there own use. As we know react will provide us use of some of the top level api's we can use in react-app and react-dom is a package that provides DOM specific methods that can be used at the top level of a web app to enable an efficient way of managing DOM elements of the web page.

πŸ’‘ TLDR; Read more about Top-level-api's & ReactDOM

API Reference


React.createElement(type, [props], [...children]);

πŸ‘ Tip: Code written with JSX will be compiles down to React.createElement() calls. This will be done by Babel (A JavaScript Compiler)

← Why React?Introducing JSX β†’