Course Overview


In this course, you'll be following along with me while exploring the concepts of React while building a simple app. We won't focus on styling your app as this bootcamp is focused on learning React. The recording for this bootcamp will be provided to you as well. Thus, if you're stuck somewhere or want to explore a specific topic from this talk, then you can refer to it afterwards.

Here is the repo, iamdarshshah/reactjs-course-app.

Although we'll be building an app from scratch, I'll have every step easily ready for you to look at. Each lesson has a branch name associated with it. You can checkout to that branch to see the solution to that lesson. A lesson on this site will show its branch name like this:

🌲 branch: git checkout BRANCH_NAME


Throughout this Bootcamp, lessons will have some sections that hint at certain things, here's what you might see!


❗️   NOTE quick note


👍   tip this is my tip

Summary TLDR;

💡   TLDR: in short, it means this

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